Mission Heights Primary, Auckland, New Zealand

Mission Heights Primary, Auckland, New Zealand
Cool Kids of Learning Zone 12 - Year 3 & 4

Friday, September 18, 2009

I am Maria (8 years old)

I am a girl who likes kittens
I wonder if I can see the future
I hear a beautiful butterfly fluttering about
I want to have a kitten someday
I am a girl who likes kittens

I pretend to be a kitten
I feel sad when people hurt me
I touch a kitten and feel its fur
I worry when I don't tell my mum and just go outside
I cry when somebody in my family is dies
I am a girl who likes kittens

I understand if my mum growls at me
I say 'hi' when my friend comes over
I dream about being a popstar
I try to be and do my best
I hope I will be a popstar one day
I am a girl who likes kittens

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